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Legend (PcpaBaseMap/BaseMapParcelAerialsCwpm)

CacheBuildInfo (1)
Erosion Control Line (4)
Hydro Lines (5)
Coastal Construction Lines Coastal Construction Lines
Intercoastal Line Intercoastal Line
Man-Made Lakes Man-Made Lakes
Meandering Water Line Meandering Water Line
Natural Lake Line Natural Lake Line
Natural Shore Line Natural Shore Line
Tidal Swamp Line Tidal Swamp Line
Unknown Unknown
<all other values> <all other values>
Miscellaneous Lines (6)
Bridge Bridge
Bulkhead Line Bulkhead Line
Drainage Retention Natural Area Conservation Drainage Retention Natural Area Conservation
Government Lot Line Government Lot Line
Seawall Line Seawall Line
Unknown Unknown
<all other values> <all other values>
Platted Lot Lines (7)
Road Railroad Lines (8)
End of Public Road LInes End of Public Road LInes
Private Road Showing Road Across Properties Private Road Showing Road Across Properties
Private Road With Contiguous Ownership Private Road With Contiguous Ownership
Travel Paths Within ROW Travel Paths Within ROW
Unknown Unknown
<all other values> <all other values>
Annotation Leader Line (64)
Tie Bars (65)
Tie Bars Tie Bars
Tie Bars Across Section Lines Tie Bars Across Section Lines
<all other values> <all other values>
3D Unit Parcels (67)
Subs And Condos (68)
Condominium Condominium
Subdivision Subdivision
Tax Parcels (69)
Erosion Control Line (72)
Hydro Lines (73)
Coastal Construction Lines Coastal Construction Lines
Intercoastal Line Intercoastal Line
Man-Made Lakes Man-Made Lakes
Meandering Water Line Meandering Water Line
Natural Lake Line Natural Lake Line
Natural Shore Line Natural Shore Line
Tidal Swamp Line Tidal Swamp Line
Unknown Unknown
<all other values> <all other values>
Miscellaneous Lines (74)
Bridge Bridge
Bulkhead Line Bulkhead Line
Drainage Retention Natural Area Conservation Drainage Retention Natural Area Conservation
Government Lot Line Government Lot Line
Seawall Line Seawall Line
Unknown Unknown
<all other values> <all other values>
Platted Lot Lines (75)
Road Railroad Lines (76)
End of Public Road LInes End of Public Road LInes
Private Road Showing Road Across Properties Private Road Showing Road Across Properties
Private Road With Contiguous Ownership Private Road With Contiguous Ownership
Travel Paths Within ROW Travel Paths Within ROW
Unknown Unknown
<all other values> <all other values>
RoadCenterLine (77)
Annotation Leader Line (130)
Tie Bars (131)
Tie Bars Tie Bars
Tie Bars Across Section Lines Tie Bars Across Section Lines
<all other values> <all other values>
Unit Parcels (133)
Subs And Condos (134)
Condominium Condominium
Subdivision Subdivision
Tax Parcels (135)
RoadCenterLine (137)
Roads (150-50k) (140)
Major Highways Major Highways
Highways Highways
Major Roads Major Roads
Railroads (100-25k) (142)
Main rail line Main rail line
Unit Parcels (155)
Subs And Condos (156)
Condominium Condominium
Subdivision Subdivision
Tax Parcels (157)
RoadLine (159)
Roads (150-50k) (162)
Major Highways Major Highways
Highways Highways
Major Roads Major Roads
Ramps Ramps
Ferry Crossing Ferry Crossing
Railroads (100-25k) (164)
Main rail line Main rail line
Subs And Condos (166)
Condominium Condominium
Subdivision Subdivision
Tax Parcels (167)
RoadLine (169)
Roads (150-50k) (172)
Major Highways Major Highways
Highways Highways
Major Roads Major Roads
Ramps Ramps
Ferry Crossing Ferry Crossing
Railroads (100-25k) (174)
Main rail line Main rail line
Airports (300-100k) (177)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Airports (100-25k) (178)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Airports (25-2.5k) (179)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Landmarks (100-50k) (181)
Military Military
Golf Course Golf Course
Landmarks (50k-0) (182)
Military Military
Industrial Industrial
Prison Prison
Government Government
Hospital Hospital
Retail Center Retail Center
Amusement Park Amusement Park
Stadium Stadium
School, College or University School, College or University
Golf Course Golf Course
Cemetery Cemetery
Parks (60-5m) (184)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (5-1.5m) (185)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (1.5m-100k) (186)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (100-2.5k) (187)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Local Parks Local Parks
Parks (2.5k-0) (188)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Local Parks Local Parks
RoadLine (190)
Roads (150-50k) (193)
Major Highways Major Highways
Highways Highways
Major Roads Major Roads
Ramps Ramps
Ferry Crossing Ferry Crossing
Railroads (100-25k) (195)
Main rail line Main rail line
Water Bodies (300-25k) (198)
Large Rivers or Streams Large Rivers or Streams
Large Lakes or Ponds Large Lakes or Ponds
Medium Lakes or Ponds Medium Lakes or Ponds
Small Rivers or Streams Small Rivers or Streams
Reservoirs Reservoirs
Canals, Aqueducts Canals, Aqueducts
Water Bodies (25k-0) (199)
Large Rivers or Streams Large Rivers or Streams
Large Lakes or Ponds Large Lakes or Ponds
Medium Lakes or Ponds Medium Lakes or Ponds
Small Lakes or Ponds Small Lakes or Ponds
Small Rivers or Streams Small Rivers or Streams
Reservoirs Reservoirs
Glaciers Glaciers
Canals, Aqueducts Canals, Aqueducts
Coastal Water (750k-0) (201)
Airports (300-100k) (204)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Airports (100-25k) (205)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Airports (25-2.5k) (206)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Landmarks (100-50k) (208)
Military Military
Golf Course Golf Course
Landmarks (50k-0) (209)
Military Military
Industrial Industrial
Prison Prison
Government Government
Hospital Hospital
Retail Center Retail Center
Amusement Park Amusement Park
Stadium Stadium
School, College or University School, College or University
Golf Course Golf Course
Cemetery Cemetery
Parks (60-5m) (211)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (5-1.5m) (212)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (1.5m-100k) (213)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (100-2.5k) (214)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Local Parks Local Parks
Parks (2.5k-0) (215)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Local Parks Local Parks
Roads (150-50k) (219)
Major Highways Major Highways
Highways Highways
Major Roads Major Roads
Ramps Ramps
Ferry Crossing Ferry Crossing
Railroads (150-100k) (221)
Main rail line Main rail line
Railroads (100-25k) (222)
Main rail line Main rail line
Water Bodies (750-300k) (225)
Large Rivers or Streams Large Rivers or Streams
Large Lakes or Ponds Large Lakes or Ponds
Medium Lakes or Ponds Medium Lakes or Ponds
Small Rivers or Streams Small Rivers or Streams
Canals, Aqueducts Canals, Aqueducts
Water Bodies (300-25k) (226)
Large Rivers or Streams Large Rivers or Streams
Large Lakes or Ponds Large Lakes or Ponds
Medium Lakes or Ponds Medium Lakes or Ponds
Small Rivers or Streams Small Rivers or Streams
Reservoirs Reservoirs
Canals, Aqueducts Canals, Aqueducts
Water Bodies (25k-0) (227)
Large Rivers or Streams Large Rivers or Streams
Large Lakes or Ponds Large Lakes or Ponds
Medium Lakes or Ponds Medium Lakes or Ponds
Small Lakes or Ponds Small Lakes or Ponds
Small Rivers or Streams Small Rivers or Streams
Reservoirs Reservoirs
Glaciers Glaciers
Canals, Aqueducts Canals, Aqueducts
Coastal Water (750k-0) (229)
Airports (300-100k) (232)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Airports (100-25k) (233)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Airports (25-2.5k) (234)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Landmarks (100-50k) (236)
Military Military
Golf Course Golf Course
Landmarks (50k-0) (237)
Military Military
Industrial Industrial
Prison Prison
Government Government
Hospital Hospital
Retail Center Retail Center
Amusement Park Amusement Park
Stadium Stadium
School, College or University School, College or University
Golf Course Golf Course
Cemetery Cemetery
Parks (60-5m) (239)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (5-1.5m) (240)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (1.5m-100k) (241)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (100-2.5k) (242)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Local Parks Local Parks
Parks (2.5k-0) (243)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Local Parks Local Parks
Roads (750-300k) (247)
Major Highways Major Highways
Highways Highways
Ramps Ramps
Roads (300-150k) (248)
Major Highways Major Highways
Highways Highways
Major Roads Major Roads
Ramps Ramps
Roads (150-50k) (249)
Major Highways Major Highways
Highways Highways
Major Roads Major Roads
Ramps Ramps
Ferry Crossing Ferry Crossing
Railroads (150-100k) (251)
Main rail line Main rail line
Railroads (100-25k) (252)
Main rail line Main rail line
Water Bodies (750-300k) (255)
Large Rivers or Streams Large Rivers or Streams
Large Lakes or Ponds Large Lakes or Ponds
Medium Lakes or Ponds Medium Lakes or Ponds
Small Rivers or Streams Small Rivers or Streams
Canals, Aqueducts Canals, Aqueducts
Water Bodies (300-25k) (256)
Large Rivers or Streams Large Rivers or Streams
Large Lakes or Ponds Large Lakes or Ponds
Medium Lakes or Ponds Medium Lakes or Ponds
Small Rivers or Streams Small Rivers or Streams
Reservoirs Reservoirs
Canals, Aqueducts Canals, Aqueducts
Water Bodies (25k-0) (257)
Large Rivers or Streams Large Rivers or Streams
Large Lakes or Ponds Large Lakes or Ponds
Medium Lakes or Ponds Medium Lakes or Ponds
Small Lakes or Ponds Small Lakes or Ponds
Small Rivers or Streams Small Rivers or Streams
Reservoirs Reservoirs
Glaciers Glaciers
Canals, Aqueducts Canals, Aqueducts
Coastal Water (750k-0) (259)
Airports (300-100k) (262)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Airports (100-25k) (263)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Airports (25-2.5k) (264)
Airport area Airport area
Airport runway Airport runway
Landmarks (100-50k) (266)
Military Military
Golf Course Golf Course
Landmarks (50k-0) (267)
Military Military
Industrial Industrial
Prison Prison
Government Government
Hospital Hospital
Retail Center Retail Center
Amusement Park Amusement Park
Stadium Stadium
School, College or University School, College or University
Golf Course Golf Course
Cemetery Cemetery
Parks (60-5m) (269)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (5-1.5m) (270)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (1.5m-100k) (271)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Parks (100-2.5k) (272)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Local Parks Local Parks
Parks (2.5k-0) (273)
National Parks and Forests National Parks and Forests
State Parks and Forests State Parks and Forests
Local Parks Local Parks
Amendments (276)
 Preservation Preservation
<Null> <Null>
Activity Center Activity Center
Activity Center & Preservation Activity Center & Preservation
Activity Center & Target Employment Center Activity Center & Target Employment Center
Employment Employment
Employment & Target Employment Center Employment & Target Employment Center
Employment and Preservation Employment and Preservation
Employment, and Target Employment Center Employment, and Target Employment Center
Industrial Industrial
Multimodal Corridor Multimodal Corridor
Multimodal Corridor & Target Employment Center Multimodal Corridor & Target Employment Center
Multimodal Corridor and Activity Center Multimodal Corridor and Activity Center
Multimodal Corridor, Preservation Multimodal Corridor, Preservation
No Designation No Designation
Office Office
Office & Preservation Office & Preservation
Preservation Preservation
Public/Semi-Public Public/Semi-Public
Public/Semi-Public & Preservation Public/Semi-Public & Preservation
Public/Semi-Public & Residential Low Medium Public/Semi-Public & Residential Low Medium
Public/Semi-Public &Target Employment Center Public/Semi-Public &Target Employment Center
Public/Semi-Public and Preservation Public/Semi-Public and Preservation
Public/Semi-Public, Preservation Public/Semi-Public, Preservation
Public/Semi-Public, Retail & Services, Preservation, Recreation/Open Space, & Residential Low Medium Public/Semi-Public, Retail & Services, Preservation, Recreation/Open Space, & Residential Low Medium
Recreation/Open Space Recreation/Open Space
Recreation/Open Space & Activity Center Recreation/Open Space & Activity Center
Recreation/Open Space & Preservation Recreation/Open Space & Preservation
Recreation/Open Space and Preservation Recreation/Open Space and Preservation
Recreation/Open Space, Public/Semi-Public and Preservation Recreation/Open Space, Public/Semi-Public and Preservation
Recreation/Open Space, Residential Low Medium and Preservation Recreation/Open Space, Residential Low Medium and Preservation
Residential High Residential High
Residential Low Medium Residential Low Medium
Residential Low Medium & Preservation Residential Low Medium & Preservation
Residential Low Medium and No Designation Residential Low Medium and No Designation
Residential Low Medium and Public/Semi-Public Residential Low Medium and Public/Semi-Public
Residential Low Medium and Recreation/Open Space Residential Low Medium and Recreation/Open Space
Residential Medium Residential Medium
Residential Medium and Residential Low Medium Residential Medium and Residential Low Medium
Residential Rural Residential Rural
Residential Rural & Recreation/Open Space Residential Rural & Recreation/Open Space
Residential Very Low Residential Very Low
Residential Very Low & Preservation Residential Very Low & Preservation
Resort Resort
Retail & Services Retail & Services
Retail & Services and Target Employment Center Retail & Services and Target Employment Center
Retail and Services Retail and Services
Retail and Services & Target Employment Center Retail and Services & Target Employment Center
n/a n/a
<all other values> <all other values>
Countywide Plan Map Categories (277)
Residential Very Low Residential Very Low
Residential Low Medium Residential Low Medium
Residential Medium Residential Medium
Residential High Residential High
Office Office
Resort Resort
Retail & Services Retail & Services
Employment Employment
Industrial Industrial
Public/Semi-Public Public/Semi-Public
Recreation/Open Space Recreation/Open Space
Preservation Preservation
Activity Center Activity Center
Multimodal Corridor Multimodal Corridor
Amendments (279)
 Preservation Preservation
<Null> <Null>
Activity Center Activity Center
Activity Center & Preservation Activity Center & Preservation
Activity Center & Target Employment Center Activity Center & Target Employment Center
Employment Employment
Employment & Target Employment Center Employment & Target Employment Center
Employment and Preservation Employment and Preservation
Employment, and Target Employment Center Employment, and Target Employment Center
Industrial Industrial
Multimodal Corridor Multimodal Corridor
Multimodal Corridor & Target Employment Center Multimodal Corridor & Target Employment Center
Multimodal Corridor and Activity Center Multimodal Corridor and Activity Center
Multimodal Corridor, Preservation Multimodal Corridor, Preservation
No Designation No Designation
Office Office
Office & Preservation Office & Preservation
Preservation Preservation
Public/Semi-Public Public/Semi-Public
Public/Semi-Public & Preservation Public/Semi-Public & Preservation
Public/Semi-Public & Residential Low Medium Public/Semi-Public & Residential Low Medium
Public/Semi-Public &Target Employment Center Public/Semi-Public &Target Employment Center
Public/Semi-Public and Preservation Public/Semi-Public and Preservation
Public/Semi-Public, Preservation Public/Semi-Public, Preservation
Public/Semi-Public, Retail & Services, Preservation, Recreation/Open Space, & Residential Low Medium Public/Semi-Public, Retail & Services, Preservation, Recreation/Open Space, & Residential Low Medium
Recreation/Open Space Recreation/Open Space
Recreation/Open Space & Activity Center Recreation/Open Space & Activity Center
Recreation/Open Space & Preservation Recreation/Open Space & Preservation
Recreation/Open Space and Preservation Recreation/Open Space and Preservation
Recreation/Open Space, Public/Semi-Public and Preservation Recreation/Open Space, Public/Semi-Public and Preservation
Recreation/Open Space, Residential Low Medium and Preservation Recreation/Open Space, Residential Low Medium and Preservation
Residential High Residential High
Residential Low Medium Residential Low Medium
Residential Low Medium & Preservation Residential Low Medium & Preservation
Residential Low Medium and No Designation Residential Low Medium and No Designation
Residential Low Medium and Public/Semi-Public Residential Low Medium and Public/Semi-Public
Residential Low Medium and Recreation/Open Space Residential Low Medium and Recreation/Open Space
Residential Medium Residential Medium
Residential Medium and Residential Low Medium Residential Medium and Residential Low Medium
Residential Rural Residential Rural
Residential Rural & Recreation/Open Space Residential Rural & Recreation/Open Space
Residential Very Low Residential Very Low
Residential Very Low & Preservation Residential Very Low & Preservation
Resort Resort
Retail & Services Retail & Services
Retail & Services and Target Employment Center Retail & Services and Target Employment Center
Retail and Services Retail and Services
Retail and Services & Target Employment Center Retail and Services & Target Employment Center
n/a n/a
<all other values> <all other values>
Countywide Plan Map Categories (280)
Residential Very Low Residential Very Low
Residential Low Medium Residential Low Medium
Residential Medium Residential Medium
Residential High Residential High
Office Office
Resort Resort
Retail & Services Retail & Services
Employment Employment
Industrial Industrial
Public/Semi-Public Public/Semi-Public
Recreation/Open Space Recreation/Open Space
Preservation Preservation
Activity Center Activity Center
Multimodal Corridor Multimodal Corridor
<all other values> <all other values>
2023 Aerial (281)
Red: Band_1 Red: Band_1
Green: Band_2 Green: Band_2
Blue: Band_3 Blue: Band_3
States/Provinces (750k-0) (283)
world30 (284)